Check des Dokuwikis durchführen
Um den System-Status des Dokuwikis anzeigen zu lassen, hängt man an die Startseite „?do=check“ an. Beispiel:
Hierüber können folgende Infos abgerufen werden:
- DokuWiki version
- PHP version
- Changelog is writable
- conf directory is writable
- MB_string extension is available and will be used
- Your locale C seems not to be a UTF-8 locale, you should fix this if you encounter problems.
- Debugging support enabled or disabled
- User wich is logged-in
- User group memberships
- Permission for this page
- The current page is writable by the webserver
- The current page is writable by you
- The search index seems to be working
- Server time seems to be okay. Diff: 0s